Relato corto, poesía, fotografía y ensayo se entrelazan en esta edición cuatrimestral. Una publicación independiente donde cada número se centrará en una parte del cuerpo. Una idea original de Ana Jarque, Carlota Visier, Laura C. Vela y Carol Caicedo
Cinema, music and literature in the photobook deepens the study and knowledge through its analysis from the fields of cinema, music and literature, three disciplines that main- tain a deep link with these editions.
"A Deltebre el riu passa tan lentament que el sol escalfa la superfície de l’aigua, que desfila marronosa per la població, bruta del que arrossega i més espessa que la sang. Al seu pas humiteja la riba, com una frase que a còpia de ser repetida dins la boca anés salivant les síl·labes, mullant les lletres amb la llengua."
David Bestué
"Cap lloc com aquest ens parla millor de la dissolució material que el pròxim jaciment de l’antiga colònia grega intenta protegir. Aquí els fragments del mur es barregen amb partícules de roques disgregades, fragments de petxines o algues, però també trossos de plàstic, fusta o maons. Coses que a poc a poc van deixant de ser-ho, com una paraula que es trenca i es fa soroll d’onada."
David Bestué
"A la pedrera el vessant de la muntanya s’esquerda i es trenca, sota la càrrega, sota la tensió, rellisca, es deteriora d’imprecisió, s’esmicola. No es queda al seu lloc, no es queda quieta; triturada, arrossegada, dispersa. De la muntanya a la pedra, de la pedra a la grava."
David Bestué
Photographers are invited to submit their portfolios for publication in the magazine's annual talent issue and the accompanying travelling exhibitions. For selected photographers, the 'talent stamp' functions as a springboard for the international photo industry, earning them global recognition and
Jacques-Aurélien Brun (CH), Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore (FR), Salvi Danés (ES), #Dysturb (FR), Laura El-Tantawy (EG/UK), Mayumi Hosokura (JP), Anouk Kruithof (NL), Quentin Lacombe (FR), Clément Lambelet (CH), Matthew Leifheit (US), Namsa Leuba (CH/GN), Dana Lixenberg (NL), Mike Lundgren (US), Amak Mahmoodian (IR), Ari Marcopoulos (NL), Izumi Miyazaki (JP), Hiroshi Okamoto (JP), Christian Patterson (US), Irina Popova (RU/NL), Jon Rafman (CA), Charlie Rubin (US), Laurie Simmons (US).
Personal and emotive, the images are a deliberately oblique take on a region “rich in natural areas”. “Transmontanus is like a topographic fable where biography and topography mix,” he says. “We live in a world of colour, in a world of reality and of the present. The dreamlike tone – sometimes one of regression, of memories – is strengthened by the use of black and white, and of light.”
“Both a journal and a journey back to a landscape we knew as children”, the project’s title references both its direct translation – “further from the mountains” – and the tramuntana wind that often occurs in Emporda. “An agent of change and erosion” this wind can change things and thus, says the 29-year-old, serves as a metaphor for the way that life has changed him and his relationship with his home town.
“The intention is to build a temporary and symbolic pattern which shows a present, but at the same time references previous experiences and longings that are to come,” he says. “My reencounter with a known but absolutely different reality generated a feeling of wanting to reencounter myself within this personal territory [and] to generate a document of the feelings that were coming to me again.”
Danés has published the project as a book with Ediciones Anomalas, carefully editing the images to allow readers to move fluently from one shot to the next and “establish a subjective relationship with the images you’ve seen and the ones you’re about to see”.
Créé en 2007 par Alain Genestar, Polka est le magazine de toutes les photographies: la photographie qui témoigne, celle qui explique et décrypte l'actualité. La photo, objet d'art et de culture. La nouvelle photographie connectée... Trimestriel, Polka fait partie de cette nouvelle génération de médias qui prend le temps de l'analyse pour donner du sens à l'information.
Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la provincia andaluza de Almería acogió el rodaje de hasta seiscientos spaghetti westerns, entre ellos la seminal trilogía del dólar de Sergio Leone. La industria del cine de explotación reanimó una zona deprimida y manta como fue siempre el sur de España, pero tras la dictadura de Franco, las pistolas dieron paso al cine de destape y las cabalgadas tomaron otra acepción. El recuerdo de "la época de las películas" permanece en la zona, así como la resistencia y la pena de los profesionales del western ibérico.
Rubén Lardín.